Randolph Alvis was born in South Norfolk, Virginia. His Mother loved the Lord and she raised Randolph's brother and two sisters in a Christian home.
Growing up in a small town you knew everyone in school and I don’t think we really appreciated how wonderful our childhood was until we look back now. I graduated in 1969 and joined the Naval Reserve and served six years and received a Vietnam Veterans medal.
After being discharged from the Navy I worked for a Customs House Brokerage firm for six years. In 1978 I drove a Pepsi truck for a year and after that I ran a bread route for a local bakery for twenty years. My wife and I have been married since 1972 and have one son Chad.
In 1985 I was suffering with what urologist said was prostititis and the pain was everyday for 3 and half years. My wife and I attended a service with Charles and Frances Hunter at a local arena and I received prayer for healing that night. God healed me as I was prayed for and the pain I’d been suffering turned out to be my lower back. God also Blessed me with the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with speaking in tongues. For the next seven months I couldn’t stop talking or praying for everyone on my bread route.
The testing of my Faith followed and I stopped attending church and doing worldly things again. Thanks to God he didn’t remove the speaking in tongues from me and believe it is his presence that has kept me through the darkest times of my life.
Last year when I was out of work, my wife got laid off and my son lost his house in foreclosure I fell into a deep depression. My prayers to God every night to remove me from the depression evolved into Splinters On The Carpenter’s Floor, whereas the Holy Spirit put on my heart to write down my prayers. Forty two writings make up the book and I believe they have powerful messages that enabled me to get through my difficult time.
I have been attending Rock Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia for thirty five years. The church is very vibrant and I believe God is moving through Bishop Ann Giminez and her daughter Robin and husband John Blanchard to do some great things in the near future.
I’ve sung in the choir in the past, but now I attend services with my oldest sister Barbara. I enjoy listening to Jentezen Franklin, Kenneth Copeland and David Jerimiah.
I love Indianapolis Colts football, University Of Virginia football and Old Dominion University basketball. I’m really looking forward to this up coming football season, whereas I just bought a 50” Plasma. My wife and I love working in our yard and going shopping in Colonial Williamsburg and going to Nags Head, N.C. to the beach.
For everyone life has ups and downs, but regardless of whatever you go through I believe God blue printed your life before the foundation of the earth. He spoke to my heart during those difficult times last year and said ‘God Hears, He Cares And He’s Moving In Your Situation!’